Monday, April 13, 2009


aint for aint really the kinda girl for me ahaha
i just wanna ride my skateboard and have fun;]

Sunday, April 12, 2009


so recently i met a girl and i think shes fucking gorgeous..the funny thing is im hella anti-love because of my past basically like fuck most hoes yuh know!? but its funny because not many girls in my area catch my eye but strangly she did..hopefully after i get to know her better and she gets to know me maybe things might go well?i hope so but if not im right back where i am now and its not too bad haha;];]

just something i needed to get off my mind..

-MF Robert Bentz

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

i need dependency

i realized that i hella wait around for people to help me with shit. and then when things dont work out i get kinda down about it but its my own fault for putting my effort into someone elses time. from here on out im gonna try to be as independent as i more mooching more asking people to film for more trying to get on other peoples shit..its not that im not appreciative because i really am and id like to thank anyone whose ever helped me out with anything but i need to get my own car and my own job and my own camera and my own clothes and everything. i need to earn my shit the straight way just like everyone else and quit trying to take short cuts.

Monday, April 06, 2009


KingOfbapes (11:27:52 PM): ut them bitches are dirty tho!
iROBERTkuhz (11:28:09 PM): helllllllllllllllllllllllla grimey
iROBERTkuhz (11:28:15 PM): i wouldnt touch em
iROBERTkuhz (11:28:16 PM): haha
iROBERTkuhz (11:28:22 PM): they're like oakland hoes
iROBERTkuhz (11:28:25 PM): dirty
KingOfbapes (11:28:27 PM): i dont wanna get no herpes man
KingOfbapes (11:28:37 PM): some dudes will fuck anything
iROBERTkuhz (11:28:52 PM): fuck that!
iROBERTkuhz (11:28:59 PM): ill go home to fuck around ahha
KingOfbapes (11:29:07 PM): yeah exactly
KingOfbapes (11:29:30 PM): shit is growin and spreadin fast these days like roaches
iROBERTkuhz (11:29:38 PM): haahah
iROBERTkuhz (11:29:43 PM): all up in the cunt
KingOfbapes (11:29:48 PM): lolahah
iROBERTkuhz (11:30:13 PM): when i found out what cunt was i laughed hella hard
iROBERTkuhz (11:30:16 PM): dirty vagina
iROBERTkuhz (11:30:18 PM): lol
KingOfbapes (11:30:20 PM): aaaaaha
KingOfbapes (11:30:24 PM): i did to
KingOfbapes (11:30:30 PM): i frist thoguth it was a clit ahahaha
KingOfbapes (11:30:42 PM): some girls still dont kno
iROBERTkuhz (11:31:28 PM): hahah
iROBERTkuhz (11:31:29 PM): i know
iROBERTkuhz (11:31:36 PM): if you call a girl a cunt
iROBERTkuhz (11:31:42 PM): your saying her vagina is dirty
iROBERTkuhz (11:31:43 PM): hahahaha
KingOfbapes (11:32:21 PM): who cam up with that

iROBERTkuhz (11:32:38 PM): fuck if i know

haha its funny when your talking to one of your good homies who is 7 hours away from yuh and you guys are talking about crud topics...such as cunt haha.

love my nigga sultan